Uploading to Dropmark

Dropmark supports images, videos, audio, documents, links, and so much more.

Drag and drop

To upload items from your computer, drag items from your desktop into a Dropmark collection on your browser. Your items will instantly start uploading to Dropmark.

You can also drag items from other web pages into your Dropmark collection including links and images.

Upload using the plus icon

To upload items in your browser, click on the plus icon in the top right corner of your collection. You will then see the options to upload text items, links, files, and if you’re on a Solo or Team subscription stacks.

Click ‘text’ to add text items and type in the text boxes below.

Choose ‘link’ to add links by pasting in the URLs - if you’re adding multiple links you can do so by separating each URL with a comma.

Click ‘file’ to upload files and then choose the files from your computer using the file picker.

Upload by email

Add items to your collections on the go (even from Android devices) by sending links and attachments to your special Dropmark email address. Read more about saving items via email.

Install the browser extension

Add online content seamlessly by using our browser extension, available for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Install mobile and desktop apps

You can also install native apps for iPhone and iPad, and drag and drop to upload via our Mac app.

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