Stacks on iOS

Stacks are available on Solo and Team plans and are the perfect way to keep your collection’s items organized. A Stack is a group of items within a collection.

There are so many uses for stacks! If you’re a team of web designers working with a client, you could create a collection for the project and then create a stack for each iteration or website section. If you’re a teacher, you could create a collection to share with your students and create a stack for each day’s session. 

Creating Stacks

To create a stack on your Apple device press on an item until it is selected, then press the ellipsis button and choose ‘stack’ from the menu that appears. To create a new stack press ‘new’, input your title and save. When you’re stack has been created you can drag and drop any other additional items straight into the stack.


But what if you get too stack happy? To unstack you need to go into the stack, then press the ellipsis button in the top right corner and then select ‘Unstack’ from the menu. Easy.

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