Transferring items to another collection
Drag and drop
You can transfer an item to a different collection by dragging it from its current collection onto the menu item of the collection you’d like to transfer it to.
You can transfer an item to a different collection by dragging it from its current collection onto the menu item of the collection you’d like to transfer it to.
Bulk move
Start by highlighting the items that you want to copy by hovering over the items and clicking the tick mark that appears in the top left corner. Once you have selected the items you wish to move, select ‘move’ from the toolbar at the top of the screen. A window will ask which collection you want to move the items into, select or type the collection’s name into the text box and click ‘move’. Your items will now be moved into the second collection!
Note: The collection that you are moving the items into needs to exist before for you can move items into it successfully.